This book describes the principles of Re-incarnation and also lists just a few of the many incarnations of Archbishop Frank Bugge going back through Atlantis, ancient Egypt and other places, to even further beyond any recorded history. It also gives a chart of exactly where the Soul lies in our divine being of our Spiritual consciousness. There are several brief descriptions of the time spent between incarnations, and an overall description of the full process. As one reads through this book, you will get the feelings and the reactions of changing genders as we change from lifetime to lifetime. Also there is much of the visions during these lifetimes that will certainly NOT concur with history. The author contends that many are the assumptions of the academics that are convenient to fit their limited facts, and therefore many are the mistakes they have settled on and accepted. One very wise man once said --- "HISTORY IS THE LIE THAT ALL GOVERNMENTS OF THE DAY AGREE UPON.
The Author states "I have no doubt that most of the academics will surely not agree on this and condemn this statement, but in the words of Pontius Pilate --- What I have written I have written.
IBSN 978-1-921300-92-9 published bookpal print on demand Available through order by Amazon online.