My Grandson James Michael Robinson
Nan & James 3/8/2000 - 5/11/2000
Many things in life make you change, or go in search of something. By far the biggest thing that started me searching in earnest for what was "the meaning behind life & death" was the death of my Grandson James. He was 3 months and 2 days old, and he passed away from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). His death shattered myself and my family and the scars still run deep to this day for many of my loved ones. For myself though I believe I have found some peace in my new found beliefs. My beliefs in no way take away the fact that there is always someone missing from "our table", but I do have faith in and believe that he is free, free to soar as it says in the song and therefore I will trust that he is still with me, but on another dimension and in another world that some would call Heaven.