Herein one can see evidence from Early Christian and Jewish Mystical Tradition. Reincarnation was an accepted belief by the great minds of antiquity. In Greece Plato was influenced by earlier classical Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras (sixth century BCE), while reincarnation was both believed and taught by Jesus and many Church Fathers through the eighth century, as well as in Hebrew texts and mystical traditions throughout the Middle Ages.
In Reincarnation for Christians, Monsignor Sweeley proves that reincarnation was accepted by Jesus according to Holy Scripture, was accepted and taught by the Church Fathers as a doctrine of the faith, and is believed today by many Christians. Moreover, he makes clear why there is no conflict between the atonement of Jesus and Jesus as the redeemer of humanity, with the necessity of living many lives before we attain salvation.
“In this timely book about reincarnation and the Christian tradition, Monsignor Sweeley gives us an eye-opening look into an issue that has been long ignored by mainstream Christian churches.”- Most Rev. Alan R. Kemp, D.Min. CEO, The Ascension Alliance
Available Blue Dolphin Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-57733-265-7,294 pp 6X9 paperback