The Universe is never still and is forever progressing and evolving. This means that the earth comes under the different planetary energies and forces which gradually change every 2160 years. 2160 represents the length of time in each zodiac house. In 1956 the Piscean energies started to wane as the Piscean age comes to an end. Also in 1956, the Aquarian energies started to rise. These will meet and cross in 2056. From 2056 the Aquarian energy will then be stronger than the Piscean energy. These will reach a peak in 2156. At this time we will then have exactly 2160 years to the peaking of the next zodiacal age. As a point of interest this is when we hand over to the new Christ Force Manager of which Jesus held this Office for the Piscean age. An added to that is that this Sunday the 23rd December 2012 is exactly 144 years to the day for the coming of the next one to hold the position of The Christ Force. This shall be in female form and she will then hold the Title & Office of The Christ Force. Christ was not his name, but a Title & Office held by Jesus. To those that say that it is untrue that there are no other Avatars before nor after Jesus, I ask you this. Do you really think that God has only and will only ever send one person to “save the world” in all the centuries of its existence? The Mayans knew this information to be true and that is the meaning behind their “predictions” (not actually predictions but their knowledge) it has just been misinterpreted, an end of an age not the end of the world.
The Mayans used a 13 signed zodiac which appears to be the equivalent of the Celtic 13 month year. Information on the Mayan 13 sign zodiac is in several scholarly works including some articles by Morley in the early 20th century who is also a Mayan expert. The 13 sign Celtic system is tested in Rodrick O’flaritey’s, Oggya, 1st edition from 1690 also Ledwitch Antiquities of Ireland which is an 18th century work. There are numerous other sources accepted scholarly for this conclusion.
As to 23rd December, it is mentioned amongst other things by Jenkins in his books on the Mayan Calendar and he gives scholarly sources in support of that date. Also it is a well accepted date by several other Mayan scholars.
Implicit in several Biblical texts as well as in a series of several other ancient scriptures. In relation to early Christian knowledge of the procession of the equinoxes and the coming of a new age, we recommend the work of Gordon Strachin (several books) and also the important analysis of R.H. Charles of the meaning of the Stones of Holy City in the Book of Revelations. I would point out that Charles was a world renowned and highly respected Biblical Scholar who was a very respected main stream Anglican Christian.
I am not the clever one here with the knowledge, it is part of the curriculum within The Australian Church of Antioch for all Priests.
The Australian Church of Antioch has a vast library of very interesting books. Here is another interesting one to verify information. The Temple at the Centre of Time by David Flynn a well known contemporary Christian author. It is a study of King Solomons Temple which documents that 2012 is an important date in Biblical chronology. And this makes no reference to the Mayan prophecies so therefore the same "prediction" from 2 totally different sources.