As for Mary Magdalene being a reformed prostitute, what profound pathetic piffle this fabrication is. In some of the old dialects the word for prostitute and priestess is one and the same. (There is a good reason for that but that is another story). The translator thinking they were doing the right thing transcribed this word as prostitute, thinking there are no such thing as women priests therefore it must be prostitute. This was not so, for there WERE women priests in the original Christian Church. It was the Patriarchal Misogynistic Popes, Bishops and other church elders who were totally responsible for getting rid of women clergy and there is ample proof of this in spite of the constant denial of the Vatican and other church hierarchies. Some of this proof is inlaid in tile throughout the very old European Churches and cannot be destroyed without wrecking the heritage listed buildings. This is quite irksome to the church fathers, but even they dare not desecrate these buildings. The next best thing is that they were covered up by tapestries, and a Papal bull issued that these tapestries must not be removed as they are consecrated and sacred. In spite of this there are those who ignored the papal order, climbed up and peeped behind them. Inlaid in mosaic tiles are pictures of women bishops and they are named, and bold statement to their gender is also written in tile. When these old churches were built, do you really think the Church elders of the day would sanction any builder to desecrate their new church by the installation of any untrue fanciful imaginary event such as this? I hardly think so.
Written by the Presiding Archbishop of The Australian Church of Antioch, The Most Reverend Frank Bugge. © Frank Bugge 2012. Blessings & Happy Reading.